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How can I be the best I can be today

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Hello beautiful souls,

I hope you are hanging in there, riding out the waves of ascension and that you do your best self every day. Yes, that’s right! Do your best self every day, without fail. Say to yourself “How can I be the best I can be today”. I find doing this first thing in the morning is best before the mind has an opportunity to come in and tell another story or take you on another path. Doing this every day not only sets you up for a brighter lighter day is overrides our subconscious mind and creates a new neural pathway in the brain. Yes, another “that’s right”. If you are not doing your spiritual practise every day by listening to what your mind is doing and changing it to another way of being you will take on what the mind is telling you and it will create another path than the one you want for yourself. Who doesn’t want to be happy? Who doesn’t want to be healthy? Who doesn’t want to create a life of abundance?

I write this because I wanted to share with you my recent experience which lasted almost 4 days. I felt myself slipping into a downhill spiral, into the arms of FEAR! As the arms of fear held my hand and pulled me close to its unseen low vibrational energy I noticed, how tired I was feeling, how my thoughts just wouldn’t stop and how I attracted way too much low vibrational energy from others. I am sure if you are reading this blog you have been there. It took all my inner strength to say No to certain people {healthy boundaries}, let go of outcomes and surrender to myself by going deep into my heart. At that moment, I felt truth and clarity, I was no longer in the arms of FEAR, I was back in the arms of my higher self, my self-worth returned, my inner guidance was loud and clear, with my intuition guiding me on the path of prosperity, abundance and health. It takes spiritual discipline to keep us intact and on track. I let my meditation practice go for a few days, without even realizing it! This will never happen again, even if its 5 minutes, 3 times per day, I am committed to my highest self, my inner spirit and soul. Do you ever find yourself slipping into these types of cycles? It took me many years to learn this practice and discipline myself, spiritually, to let go of others agendas, outcomes and desires to focus on my own sense of self and inner world. We are all responsible for our own outcomes.

I now realize I am ok with this new life, I feel at home more than I ever did, when I allow myself space and time to breathe, meditate and come into my heart, my soul and my highest self step forward. I understand that when this happens, I am at my best, the best being, the best natural me, it’s so awesome!

Here are some questions Id like to share with you that has helped me stay on my spiritual path. I ask these to my inner self

  1. Are you listening to your inner wisdom/higher self or?
  2. Are you ready to give things up that no longer serve your higher self?
  3. Are you ready to keep listening to your inner guidance and leap into faith?
  4. Are you home or are you still living in the illusion of someone else and their ideals of how you should be?

As we release Fear and distorted energy we enter a more harmonious, more conscious and more 5th Dimensional, no separation into oneness. When our frequency rises to love, peace and harmony we are free to embrace our divine bliss. Giving blessings of gratitude and sending love and light to those who are need will also raise our frequency into the divine starlight.

We are taken by the light once we surrender to its beautiful magnificence and joy allowing your true guidance to take you there. Give up the FEAR and MIND Plays, you will not win. Love is unconditional and when we love ourselves unconditionally our outer world becomes that also. We are changing from the inside out and letting go of FEAR and bring in more love to the inner world of self will open your heart to bring more balance to your physical and spiritual characteristics to self. 

As we shift into the new paradigm, the new Golden Age, the Ages of Aquarius we feel the powerful pull of cosmic energies, increasing high vibe light is now streaming into the earth which is why the FEAR presented itself to me. I believe it was here to show me and teach me how to gauge, use my inner guidance {IGS} as a thermometer of truth and non-truth, fear and love!

It’s important for all of us to manage this new light being transmitted and hold tight in its power so it can integrate into the body, layer by layer, tissue by tissue, cell by cell. Eating light foods which are grown from Mother Earth is also good, daily sacred heart meditation and crystals can also channel more light through our beings. This is so powerful, like a grand conscious shift and awakening. Powerful cosmic energies of high frequencies are having a huge impact causing ascension symptoms which may feel a little uneasy, fearful and shaky. These feelings are normal, what I have learnt is to keep moving into love and light. 

Take good care of your whole being right now, it’s so important, be around people who inspire you and want to uplift you. You are not alone, remember what you put out you will get back and receive, believe and receive love and light from others. Embrace the divine juices. Keep spreading your inner light and develop your inner strength, resist everything in these times, from human consciousness, actions, egos and fears.

Sending you all much love and light!

Shine you light bright!

Much love and gratitude

Kerry x

Bringing in the Light Consciousness

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I write this blog with my heart on my sleeve, in hope that more and more people start to connect with
their inner power – higher self/consciousness. I am always blessed with feeling the presence of angels,
guides, and galactic family. I am here to spread a very important message to all those I connect with,
online and in person. Try not to get caught up in all the media hype and mainstream TV as it lowers our
vibration. Its time for all of us to step up and take action, using our higher power, our energetic
intelligence, our spiritual mastery. How do you step into yours? We are energy being and energy is
moving 100s of times a second, which simply means energy in energy out and everything is energy
including Media sites. What energy you take on is your responsibility and I think by now you have
worked out which energy you would prefer to be in. I know I do! I vibe with my tribe and if I don’t, I
know I need to clear my energy field.

Awareness is a number 1 key to consciousness and when we realize this we awaken. I remember when I
felt the awakening of love and light. What I mean is when I had my NDE I was taken to other
dimensions; I was engulfed with the presence of light which was penetrating so much love I didn’t want
to leave or return.

This light comes from the Galaxy family of Galactic Federation, Commander Ashtar is a multidimensional
being who sends love and light to promote truth, peace and harmony between planets. He appears in
human form so he can communicate at a heart level with all of us on Earth. Just like angels, he can only
come if he is called. His presence is pure and his congregations of light beings bring in healing to the
world. Together, they want to bring in positivity, healing and inspiration to those around them and
those who call upon them. He uplifts the hearts of leaders and inspires them to walk a path of truth.

I love writing about him and as I write my heart is warm. I can feel tingles flowing through my body,
combined with the feeling of warmth and my heart is full. I am now channelling through divine love! I
know this was a call to action, to write and to speak about the Galaxy Family. I know they are here
because of my recent upgrades and messages received. Being woken up at 3.30 am one morning and
given the message to step aside from my FEAR, the Galaxy Family are taking care of the darkness that is
circulating around our planet. Keep shining your light and teach others they said. Not only did I feel
relieved, I felt held and comforted as I fell back to sleep. I woke up feeling light and peaceful knowing
this experience was real. Tell others they said, “tell them to connect with us” in dreams, in meditation,
in spirit. They cannot join us unless they are called up. They need many of us to call them in, call on
their higher consciousness galactic realm. They also work with the angelic realm to help us raise our
frequency. Call upon them, ask that they join us here to help us raise into consciousness and love.
Its time for all of us to expand our crown chakra, through faith, trust and enlightenment by going into
our inner world, identifying our limited beliefs and changing them, so that we can exit old ways of being.
You all have a beautiful heart and your heart can heal others, it can also bring in the light to the planet,
people, and things at will. We are all conscious and have this inner power we can tune into. Let shine
together and bring in more love and light to help the planet rise.

When doing virtual spiritual counselling, many people see the light consciousness, I believe the healing music I am guided to use and the heart chakra opening is the key. Once these vibrational frequencies align we step into the higher dimensions and they step into us. This is how we become light and love.
Much love and gratitude to you all. Please go to my website for podcasts, meditations and courses.

Kerry xx

Love Yourself First

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It took me many years to realise I wasn’t loving myself. I was taught that loving yourself is to look good,
take care of your hair, your body, your nails and always be polite no matter what! Boy was I misled. It’s
taken me most of my life, lots of research, reading many books, attending courses and lectures,
speaking events and so on and on to realise we are love. It doesn’t matter is my hair is the wrong colour
for some, or what I wear is not suited to some ideals or the size of my body doesn’t fit in what other
perceive to be an ideal weight. What matters is I AM happy inside and out. Its taken me a long time to
come to this way of thinking, feeling and creating from a place of love. I still remember being called
skinny, freckled-faced and ugly. I was too young and understand that the people who were saying these
works were the ones suffering and coming from a place deep unhappiness.

I now have new perception, perspective and have changed many behaviours to be good to myself and
realise I am worthy, I am enough just as I am.

This whole Corona Virus has allowed me the time to reflect, replenish and rethink many things about
others, our world and how we have been told many things over the year which may not be true.
We are in the world of change and if we are to fit comfortably in this new world we must love ourselves
so deeply the light within us sparkles so brightly, others will want to join with this light and sparkle too.
We are not what we have been told we are, we are spiritual beings who have a deep connection with a
the higher intelligence that I will call the quantum field and in this field, many celestial, ascendant masters
and spiritual beings live in their energetic bodies and are here to teach us self love and raise the
the vibration of the planetary frequencies.

When we come from a place of love, we are feeding our soul fuel and nourishment. This is our new
realization as we step into the new world. Some of us are already aware of this and are taking action by
being more present with their feelings and making changes to stress less and be guided by inner peace.
I always say to myself “does this make me feel peace full or does it make me feel anxious” the answer
soon comes when intuition kicks in and you just know what is right and what is wrong!

Self-love is knowing its good to be good to yourself, no matter what! Even if someone is not good for
you. When we connect with our heart our self-worth elevates and we become aware that our heart is
what matters. When self-love is activated, we are able to not just honour and love you, you honour and
love those around you. By saying to ourselves every day, “What is my next step” or “ How can I be the
best of myself today” pretty soon you will just know what the next steps are for loving you. In self-love,
we view others differently and see them in a new light. For example, when I am not in my place of love I
can hold anger and resentment towards another, if this happened I know I am not at my best potential
and I can do things to realign and balance. In self-love, we can use our inner power to feel into what’s not
good for us and set healthy boundaries, all from a place of a loving heart.

When I am in a place of self-love I know I do not need the permission of others to thrive. I understand that
to align with a divine heart and in the true essence of a happy, inspiring, confident and loving place I must
make time for me every day to realign, reassess and repeat.

It’s also important to connect with your spiritual tribe. I do at least once per week. They are the people I
have fun with, eat with, laugh with, dance with and do many uplifting things with. They are the people I
know want me to succeed and flourish. I also have mentors, they come in many forms, meditations,
books, podcasts, people who understand and share their experience to uplift humanity and the planet.
Love yourself more as you are not worth less than that. Breath in love to self and exhale love to others.
Mother nature gave this to us and we can gauge if we are giving too much or taking to much this is
balance, the truth of nature.

When we say I love you to ourselves we send messages of light to our cells, our heart and connect to our
spirit and we can heal not only ourselves but the planet. We vibrate a frequency that is picked up and
channelled from quantum field.
Id like to share with you what I do when I feel I am out of love with myself.

When doing virtual spiritual counselling, many people see the light consciousness, I believe the healing music I am guided to use and the heart chakra opening is the key. Once these vibrational frequencies align we step into the higher dimensions and they step into us. This is how we become light and love.

  1. Swim or take a warm bubble bath
  2. Walk in nature
  3. Go to the gym
  4. Do yoga or some form of physical exercise
  5. List to a guided meditation or silently meditate sitting up
  6. Be around happy, respectful, caring people
  7. Have a nap/sleep
    Love yourself to the moon and back.
    Sending you all much love and gratitude

Kerry xx

We All Have a Story

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Our stories are many and our behaviours are part of our story because they come from old paradigms or beliefs which are placed there, like seeds, into our subconscious. Past hurts, traumas, mistakes are all part or have been part of bringing us to where we are today. Some people get stuck in their story, putting their conscious energy into telling it over and over. It then becomes who they are and defines them as angry, selfish and miserable.

As a Spiritual Intuitive Healer and past Social Worker/Counselor, I have heard many sad and tragic stories from the clients. It always a similar story of childhood trauma, emotional distress, suffering from ex-partners, lovers, parents, family, friends, workplace colleagues and past events that sometimes leave others unable to shift or move forward. Using my intuitive and psychic gifts to channel supreme creator, ascendant masters and Galactic beings helps lifts these trauma’s for many, to change deep embodied beliefs, patterns and paradigms. The techniques I use are very empowering and lift the burdens of past emotional pain, leaving revitalized well-being. Some cases, the story is so strong it takes 2 or 3 sessions for the process, but most cases 1 – 2 sessions is all that is needed to lift the past emotional trauma. I believe the reason for this is the person is unable to let go with an open heart as they are stuck in their subconscious/belief system. This also affects the nervous system which is why so many have anxiety or depression and sometimes both.

In the session I do, it’s important for me to focus on finding the emotional pain and feelings that are within the person so that they can let go, easily, to the past paradigm/pattern. Sometimes hearing stories are heavy on the heart and can cover up the causes of the past because the emotional trauma is so embodied and deep. My focus has always been to empower and have the person gain their inner power so that they are no longer feeling heavy or weighed down by the past.

We are each here for a reason and life happens for us and not to us. Each and every one of us has an inner power that we can tap into, align with and tune into it. We can all manifest whatever we wish and desire and create or co-create whatever we dream of. By changing the way we think, will change the way we feel, then embody a new emotional change, leaving us to make future decisions that beneficial for our wellness and well-being. When we think, we become and all thoughts create our reality, so getting creative with our thoughts, creates our reality. This is how we manifest, whatever we wish for or want. When we step away from the old story/belief/paradigm we see things more clearly, without being immersed in the past. This is disempowering and creates negative thoughts which take us away from who we are and what we are here to do. When we open the door of the subconscious, consciousness steps in and overrides the past, creating the new way.

Much love and gratitude to you all

Kerry xxx

Awaken to Your True Potential

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I love sharing what I do, helping people to discover their true potential and inner power. We each have a spiritual soul that can help us with our life purpose and what we are here to do in life. Many of us go in another direction and resist what’s been given to us from the Universe, Divine, spirit guides and the angelic realm. We are not just Mind and Body, we each have a spirit that we can connect with when our mind is quiet and our body is relaxed.

I think its important to understand who we are and I share my experiences of when I died and came back and how I became aware of the spirit within all of us. We are not taught this when we are young. The complete opposite actually. It takes time, to reconnect with your true essence of your soul. This is because we need to reprogram and reset the old paradigms and patterns put upon us when we were children. We are energy beings and our energy connects to a frequency and vibration which can be either high or low, depending on our environment, our thoughts and those who are around us. We pick up other energy and we can feel them in a way that we think it is coming from us, but actually, it’s coming from them.

Lately, I have been working through some old pattern and beliefs which has left me feeling very tired, confused and sometimes angry. When this happens because we are evolving and need to become aware of how our energy affects others and how their energy affects us. When we are aware, we awaken. This then allows us to self-care, self regulate and feel safe.
I have thought about how I could deliver my courses in a simple format and offer guidance in a way that felt like I am with you energetically. This has been a new experience for, to create in a new way (online) as I am so used to having you with me in the room. If you have been in my Sacred Heart Meditations you will know that when we connect with our hearts and come into a place of love we can connect with other energies (people) in the room.

Well, guess what? I did it. I started with one on ones and realized I could connect and channel, ascendant masters, angel guides and others who like to join in. I knew then I could do this in a virtual platform and teach in a way that would not only empower others but bring them into a place of peace, harmony and gratitude.
Please listen to my FREE podcasts and Sacred Heart Meditations (Instagram BIO) or YouTube Meditations. You may wish to look at my NEW Website where you access these also. I love hearing from you and receiving your messages too! Please keep sending them through.

Big hugs and much love & gratitude

Kerry xx

Updates in June – Website / Blog / Podcasts

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Hello my friends,

I love sharing what I do, helping people to discover their true potential and inner power. We each have a spiritual soul that can help us with our life purpose and what we are here to do in life.  Many of us go in another direction and resist what’s been given to us from the Universe, Divine, spirit guides, and the angelic realm.  We are not just Mind and Body, we each have a spirit that we can connect with when our mind is quiet and our body is relaxed.

I think it’s important to understand who we are and I share my experiences of when I died and came back and how I became aware of the spirit within all of us.  We are not taught this when we are young.  The complete opposite actually. It takes time, to reconnect with your true essence of your soul.  This is because we need to reprogram and reset the old paradigms and patterns put upon us when we were children. We are energy beings and our energy connects to a frequency and vibration which can be either high or low, depending on our environment, our thoughts and those who are around us.  We pick up others energy and we can feel them in a way that we think it is coming from us, but actually its coming from them.

Lately, I have been working through some old pattern and beliefs which has left me feeling very tired, confused and sometimes angry.  When this happens it’s because we are evolving and need to become aware of how our energy affects others and how their energy affects us.  When we are aware, we awaken.  This then allow us to self-care, self-regulate and feel safe. 

I have thought about how I could deliver my courses in simple format and offer guidance in a way that felt like I am with you energetically. This has been a new experience for, to create in a new way (online) as I am so used to having you with me in the room.  If you have been in my Sacred Heart Meditations you will know that when we connect with our hearts and come into a place of love we can connect with other energies (people) in the room.

Sacred Heart Spiritual Awakening Course

Heart Harmony and Chakra Balancing Workshop

Well, guess what? I did it.  I started with one on ones and realized I could connect and channel, ascendant masters, angel guides and others who like to join in.  I knew then I could do this in a virtual platform and teach in a way that would not only empower others but bring them into a place of peace, harmony and gratitude.

Please listen to my FREE podcasts and Sacred Heart Meditations (Instagram BIO) or You Tube Meditations.  You may wish to look at my NEW Website where you access these also.  I love hearing from you and receiving your messages too! Please keep sending them through.

Big hugs and much love & gratitude

Kerry xx