Hello to all you wonderful beings of light,
If your reading this, then you will intuitively know that you were meant to read this blog.
I hope these times are now starting to give insight and knowing that we are evolving into a new way of being. What that means is our intuition is heightened, our psychic abilities are much greater than before and we now understand how energy {which is what we are} works and how consciously we get to create, manifest, tune into whatever our heart desires.
With the 11:11 portal being much greater and higher frequency that before, our angel’s guides, spirit guides and galactic family have made contact. As we call upon our higher power, we are met with unity, guidance, freewill and manifestation of a much better, peaceful and care free world. This is because we now have the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of how the energetic field {quantum field} works. As we are guided, upgraded and our blue prints, paradigms and cellular memory is being transmuted as we ascend into this new way of life. We will not return the old. It’s a powerful and great time to be here and have the experience of high intensity, connecting with Cosmic Consciousness and keepers of light.
On 21st December 2020, 21.12.2020 there will be the final activation, a massive healing on a planetary and global level as many have dissolved the shadow and understand we are co creating a new earth, and humanity is never alone in this universe.
Also, Uluru Australia will be doing a major activation which includes releasing and bringing to the surface a crystal grid which was placed inside by the phlaedians (galactic family) a few years ago.
1Million Meditators will also be doing global meditations on the 26th, 27th and 28th December 2020 to assist and keep momentum going. Our new world is here and we will not return to the old way.!
Like me, if you have had experiences, with spirit world, galactic family or spirit guides you know that this is a call to action and there is not going back to the shadow. Please invite all of your light and light connections on this day to create a massive planetary healing for those who still carry the shadow.
These waves of light are like initiations of Cosmic Energies, I like to call a collective consciousness of those helping us evolve.
At this time, powerful energies or transitions of energy of light or light codes are being received on the planet in a form of light to activate the New Earth. It comes in a series of energetic signals or waves. If you have felt your energy being depleted or lethargy or even nausea you are experiencing this shift in consciousness so that more light can be received.
I had a client though the week who was receiving from Angels and had his first higher self-connection. He also received an older version of me, dressed in white and guiding him to the light. This is because I trust and have faith that what I am receiving is real and we are meant to transform from the past, into love and light.
The Sacredness of or heart is now more dominant as we understand our heart has its own intelligence, nervous system, inner guidance, wisdom and knowledge.
11:11 is not only one of my favorite numbers to see, it the Pleiadeans at work actively assisting us to activate the Angelic energies and embody them. Our spirit/soul is divine love. The Pleiadeans will guide us to and through the light codes into a powerful transmission of angelic frequencies of light and love.
The new way on Earth is already here, if we resist this new way, we may cause inner suffering. Trust, have faith and allow yourself to embody these waves of energetic upgrades and receive them with grace.
The Angelic Beings… the Elohim and Seraphim… will continue to Empower transmissions of the Angelic Frequencies of Light and Color to support these Initiations and the Great Awakening process in general. For all of us our DNA/blueprints have now being changed. The new, more natural Earth is here for all of us to come into joy, feel happier and come together as one. This sacredness is love for self, love for others and love for the planet.
I still remember when I learnt that I needed to make space to allow the new to come and receive it with an open heart. I share more on this in my podcasts, one on ones and meditations.
Much love and gratitude to all.
Have a wonderful journey.
Kerry xx