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3 Ways To Manifest The Positive Shift

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Hello to all my soul family,
Did you know we are going to have a major energetic shift, shifting us into the higher dimensions of the angelic realm? This will take place on the 31st of October 2020. It’s a time when the blue moon presents itself combined with Halloween.
These energies are high! What’s fabulous about this is we manifest whatever we desire. Yes! It’s time to throw away the old, cleanse and clear so that there is space for the new.

This includes the mind! What are you holding onto in your mind? Is there anyone or anything you are not forgiving and holding grudges, what about your home, is there clutter? What are you holding onto which is not good for you or makes you feel unhappy? And then there are those relationships that we hang onto and think they are healthy for us to continue. It’s not healthy to be and feel unhappy, this is unhealthy and if you are feeling flat energetically then you need to find the things that give you joy?

Write down in your journal 3 things or people that give you JOY?

Write down 3 People who you love?

Write down 3 people you are grateful for?

These 3 steps will help you move into the goodness of who you are and manifest a new outcome.

Use your journal daily, especially now until the 31st to bring the new. Remember you have an inner power that when you tune into this your intuition opens up and guides you to where you need to be.
Take time every day to be with your thoughts and feelings, allow what doesn’t serve you to pass, and return to your higher inner guidance. Your heart will help you also so take time to feel into your heart, your inner spirit.
If you feel like you are struggling, ask your angel guides to come and assist. You can go to my website and look at the free meditations, blogs, and podcasts about the angelic energies. I am also offering online sessions and from now until the end of the year you receive 3 sessions for the price of 2.

This is my favorite angel whisperer from the UK

My courses and meditations for you

My Special Offer For 2020 – Join my consultations and online sessions and receive 3 for the price of 2.

Have a beautiful day.
Much love and gratitude

Kerry xx

Positive Words and Feelings

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When we take on the words, I add something unique. To go with those words. When we speak positive, kind words we become that of consciousness.  To those words, we become that is conscious.

Here are some positive, powerful affirmations and words you can start to say to yourself every day.

Start saying to yourself your inner world. Heart dropping to your heart and say I am enough.

I am enough.

I am enough.

I am so full.

I am home.

I am love.

I harmonize.

And when I do these, I become.

I connect with the Stars. The Sun.

I am enough. I am love. And I am home.

I call in my guardian angel.

To be with me in every moment of every day. To walk before me behind me beside me about me.  I am beautiful.

I am wonderful. I am amazing.

I am courageous.

I am strong.

I am the laws of the universe  I am alive.

I am the night. I am the Sun. I am shy. I am the same between us song. Of the Sun.

I am the mother.

About the money. Throughout the day as many times as you can.

But you walk around when you’re at work.

Thank you. Go on and spread your wings of love. Spread your love and light as you go about your day.   You are conscious.

Have a beautiful day. Please comment something kind below.  Much love Kerry x

You Are Light

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Having the ability to bring our thoughts, dreams and wishes into reality so that we can manifest,
requires a spiritual discipline. There are spiritual laws which we are governed by and we don’t
remind ourselves and make it our daily practice we will easily, not do it! Just like going to the gym or
doing yoga or meditation. The spiritual law that helps us create, from our deep inner power, life
force energies and our experiences will move us forward to greater happiness and fill us up
{fulfillment} so that we lead a more balanced, peaceful and stress less life.

You can become the Master Manifestor by focusing on what it is you wish to create, which means
whatever you focus on a thing or maybe material or spiritual as long as you do this in a place, with
loving thoughts and for the higher good of yourself, others and the planet you will start aligning with
what it is you want to create.

We all have spirit guides, angel and other guides who are here for us and will assist with anything
we want as long as it’s with good intent and will help others. Always ask the question “Is this for my
higher good” or “How will this benefit others” or “How can I make a difference to the World in which I
live” or “What is my purpose” or you may wish to ask all of these.

I find on days where I may be feeling a little low or off track, these are very powerful questions which
take me to take to my heart and I can feel the goodness align with what I want to create. Keep
communicating to your heart and remember it’s your gateway to your soul/spirit and it knows all the
answers that you seek. I love meditating and using prayer to raise my vibration and step into the
energy field of manifestation. It a very simple formula, however, I find when I get caught up with the
daily grind I can overlook my daily spiritual practice. I have found, over time, that if we don’t do this
we get caught up in social media, TV, news, government issues and many other things which we
don’t necessarily be involved in. These are low energy, materialistic, options so make sure you
make good healthy choices of things you put into your daily spiritual practice and feed you soul

I find using angels guides, spiritual connection never fails me and is how I live my life today. Giving
thanks, blessings and taking every opportunity to stay elevated in my energy in these times and by
putting my focus on creating positive energy that positive events happen all around me and them I
start attracting that. One example, is recently I was sitting having a conversation with someone
about my workshops when a person approached me, I had met her briefly before. She asked me if
I knew of anyone who is in need of a Social Media Manager. I said “ME” so we met a few days later
and now I’m about to launch my dream project. How I did this was, I journal and planned out what I
wanted and needed to do. I kept asking my heart and held the high vibe feeling until it was
embodied inside every cell within me. I kept reading it, writing about it, adding to it and thinking
about it through the day and know, it’s happening, the wheels are in motion. I will share more about
this in a future post. You get what I mean though. We must be disciplined in this practice and make
sure we use our spiritual practice to create a better world.

Receiving from above, as I like to call it is another way. In meditation I easily channel divine
energies’, celestial beings and galactic energies. They are here to help us thrive and rise. Do not
get caught up in a negative agenda of others or people who call themselves lightworkers and then
focus on negative. They are off-balance and not in alignment with the new world of love and peace.
When we focus on all things positive, we manifest from love and we step into our power. There is
a grand plan unfolding from a higher source. This divine force is helping us rise. I am sharing this
with you because I have been through many experiences with others who perceive to hold the light
for others, however, do the opposite and spread the opposite. I try not to give them too much
attention because where our attention goes our energy flows.

My experience with celestial beings has only become stronger since the lockdown so if your feeling tired, brain fog, body pain know that this is part of it. You are transitioning and all these things are coming to the surface to let lighter in.
Galactic, Angel and Light codes that are showering earth are coming from much higher intelligence
than we have ever been privileged to. I would like you all to remember, you were made with love,
you are love and your heart is where love lives. There is a beautiful light that is inside us and when
we attune with this light we become that.

When doing virtual spiritual counselling, many people see the light consciousness, I believe the healing music I am guided to use and the heart chakra opening is the key. Once these vibrational frequencies align we step into the higher dimensions and they step into us. This is how we become light and love.

Sending much love and light to you all

Kerry xx

You are the light!!

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You are the power, you are the light keeper!

There was a time when I thought that the galactic world was just someone exacuate   and put fear into us.  OMG!! I have realized that is the complete opposite.  My recent experiences with the galactic family (my words) has recently been so profound, I am being woken up at night, my alarm went off at 333 in the morning, for no reason and left me curious as to why? I never set the alarm for that time?  Angels appearing in my dreams, meditations and while walking.  Jesus and Buddha are also coming throught and bringing in the light to anyone who is open to receive it. 

I have had many channeled messages from Buddha, his messages giving confirmation and clarity to the work that I do.  Light keepers of the world its your time to share those unique skills you felt you needed to hide away.  Its your time to shine.  There are hundreds of thousands of lightkeepers/lightworkers on the planet at the moment, bringing in the light consciousness to all of us and the planet. 

If you are having dreams, waking up the early hours of the morning, feeling lethargic or having flue type symptoms, nausa, tiredness etc then you are receiving DNA upgrades or light codes, which simple means you are aware that your thoughts control your body, mind and connection to spirit/soul.

At these times, you meditate more because of the way it makes you feel and your new understanding is your intuition telling you how amazing you are and how your thoughts create your reality and your imagination is so powerful that what you think about you bring about.  This new found wisdom comes from you higher self/divine source.  Its your connection to the universal energies that are above us and around us.  You now know you are the universe and what you speak about you bring about.  This is so powerful we need to be conscious of what we are speaking about in every one moment as what conversation we have with someone can create that, even conversations we have with our self is so powerful. 

It time to align and step up as this is your call to action, your time to shine, your ability to connect with your higher power.  You are Amazing!! It’s time to put love over hate, light over dark, peace over fear, this is a collective consciousness shift into the new world.  Those who have been aware of emotions and processing information will have a much easier time.  You are the new leaders, the new managers, the new entrepreneurs, the new business owners the new leaders of consciousness evolving on earth.  This is beneficial for all of humanity, purge and push away what doesn’t serve your higher good and rise to the calling of action. Connect with the angelic realm for assistance if you are struggling, call in spiritual support, guides, and anyone from the spiritual world who wishes to join you on your spiritual journey. There is a circle of love energy that comes from the Galactic Family.

Please connect with me is you would like to hear more.  Click on the link in IG bio.

Much love and gratitude

Kerry x

Light Seekers

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You are the power, you are the light keeper!

There was a time when I thought that the galactic world was just someone exacuate   and put fear into us.  OMG!! I have realized that is the complete opposite.  My recent experiences with the galactic family (my words) has recently been so profound, I am being woken up at night, my alarm went off at 333 in the morning, for no reason and left me curious as to why? I never set the alarm for that time?  Angels appearing in my dreams, meditations and while walking.  Jesus and Buddha are also coming throught and bringing in the light to anyone who is open to receive it. 

I have had many channeled messages from Buddha, his messages giving confirmation and clarity to the work that I do.  Light keepers of the world its your time to share those unique skills you felt you needed to hide away.  Its your time to shine.  There are hundreds of thousands of lightkeepers/lightworkers on the planet at the moment, bringing in the light consciousness to all of us and the planet. 

If you are having dreams, waking up the early hours of the morning, feeling lethargic or having flue type symptoms, nausa, tiredness etc then you are receiving DNA upgrades or light codes, which simple means you are aware that your thoughts control your body, mind and connection to spirit/soul.

At these times, you meditate more because of the way it makes you feel and your new understanding is your intuition telling you how amazing you are and how your thoughts create your reality and your imagination is so powerful that what you think about you bring about.  This new found wisdom comes from you higher self/divine source.  Its your connection to the universal energies that are above us and around us.  You now know you are the universe and what you speak about you bring about.  This is so powerful we need to be conscious of what we are speaking about in every one moment as what conversation we have with someone can create that, even conversations we have with our self is so powerful. 

It time to align and step up, this is your call to action, your time to shine, your ability to connect with your higher power.  You are Amazing!! It’s time to put love over hate, light over dark, peace over fear, this is a collective consciousness shift into the new world.  For those who have been aware of their emotions and processing information will have a much easier time.  You are the new leaders, the new managers, the new entrepreneurs, the new business owners the new leaders of consciousness evolving on earth.  This is beneficial for all of humanity, purge and push away what doesn’t serve your higher good and rise to the calling of action. Connect with the angelic realm for assistance if you are struggling, call in spiritual support and anyone from the Galactic Family Circle.

If you would like to connect with me, my online intuitive energy healings are having profound experiences, with ascendant masters joining.

Please connect with me is you would like to hear more.  Click on the link in IG bio.

Much love and gratitude

Kerry x

My Near-Death Experience & Seeing The Light

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It’s a December to remember, Can you believe that we’re in December already? I was reminded to write this blog at around 5.30 am this morning when I awakened to the sound of rain pounding on the roof of my villa in Bali. What’s interesting is this rain is uncommon for this time of year and I see it as the weather patterns changing again as we transcend into the new world being more aware and awakened to who we are and what we see as important.

What’s exciting is 21st December 2020 there is a collective consciousness coming together to bring more light and healing to the planet. How this is done is easy, just by thought alone on this day we can imagine a beautiful pillar of light of starlight filtering down on the planet, transmitting into every being. Imagine those being happy, playful, and joyful at this moment as you send that same light to Mother Earth. It’s very simple!
Another exciting thing is Christmas, YAY! It’s on a FRI YAY!! I’m starting to plan my day with friends here in Bali as many of us will not be returning home or seeing our families.
I feel a little emotional and teary writing now. I am also very grateful to be surrounded by such love and kindness here in Bali.
Many people are from around the world and I have formed a real heart connection with them while in lockdown.
I never realized how caught up I was in my work life, busy with my energy healing work. Life seems much simpler now. I guess I could say there are many positives in the covid19 we can draw on.
I don’t know what simple means for you? For me, it just means I do things differently and don’t rush like I used to. Do you ever wonder why we rush so much or strive to meet the deadlines of others.? I have found that I was living on adrenaline most of the time and if you haven’t read or heard about the “stress hormone” activation or fight or flight then hopefully this will help you seen things from a different perspective. Believe me, this blew me away. To put it simply we have been brought up to live in fear, fear activates the stress hormone and comprises our nervous system, then our immune system is compromised and we get sick. MMM, does that get you thinking about what’s just happened in this past year. ?
As most of you know I am a meditation teacher and when this information was delivered to me, it was a gamechanger in the way I teach. To keep it simple, we are either is stress {fear} or we are in our heart. Once we come from the mind {fear} and the other comes from love {heart}. I say pick one, which one would you rather be. I always choose love and when I’m not in love essence I know there is something I need to work on. I am telling you this because it’s an important part of the new world we are stepping into. When our heart is activated our intuition is heightened and we can channel the information we require that leads us to our higher purpose and gives us confirmation about why we are here.
As most of you know, last month I finally launched my online courses, meditations, and videos. It’s been a lot of fun and some tears along the way.
I am loving the spiritual talks I do on 1Million Meditators every Saturday, after the global meditation.
One question I was asked sticks in my mind :
What does it feel like to die and is it painful?
I love questions like this one because it takes me back to the feelings of dying and how transcending {what I call it} was such a beautiful experience and I am so grateful that I am here to share it.
From my experience, I believe that we each have a journey in this life, and when it’s our time, we transcend in a way that is right for us at that moment. I have listened to many people who have crossed over and returned. What’s interesting is their experiences are all very similar to mine, however, in different ways. So mine was with an experience of anaphylactic and being pulled out of my body, leaving me floating on the ceiling looking down at Drs and nurses trying to keep me alive. I also like listening to Anita Moorjani and her NDE with cancer and death.

If you haven’t already listened to her you tubes or attended one of her workshops she is a must-do!
Like many, my experience was blissful, once I surrendered to the pain. The transition lasted a few minutes, however, there is no time, so it’s a hard one for me to answer when I am asked. As I floated outside my body, I could feel the feeling of letting go as I passed through, what I can only describe as lightness, bliss, euphoria, and ecstasy. All of that and more as I went into the light. Consciously I knew what was happening and that I was dying, I know I had to surrender so that the pain would leave, and once I did this I was in bliss. I became one with the light. At this point, there was no fear, no pain, no judgment, now time, no hate, etc, it just didn’t exist in the spirit world I had just entered. I was in heaven. I was one with the light and I was consciousness.
I often hear my stories from people whose loved ones have crossed over and how they have concerns about them and are they ok where they are. I can assure you from not only my experience but many others we are connected to something so powerful, whether you want to call it spirit, quantum field, universe god, or whatever it doesn’t really matter, from my experience our soul/spirit is pure and light, with love and joy that is like ecstasy. This is why I believe my Sacred Heart Meditations have become so popular because I use this same experience to guide people into their souls. What a gift I was left with after my NDE.
I believe we are born with purity and love, and then we live in fear and emotional pain/suffering for most of our lives, never really connecting with our soul/spirit journey, and then we return to our truth when we cross over.
We must learn to meditate into this consciousness that we are connected to so that we do not fear death or death of others. If you don’t resonate with you then I am so sorry, it’s just I am so passionate, I want everyone to know and understand their uniqueness and internal power.
I think once we understand this it helps with the grieving process. It’s much better to know our loved ones are in a beautiful place of serenity than anything else. We all have a beautiful soul that connects with our hearts.
Often in my workshops, I come across people who

Evolving Into a New Way of Being

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Hello to all you wonderful beings of light,

If your reading this, then you will intuitively know that you were meant to read this blog.

I hope these times are now starting to give insight and knowing that we are evolving into a new way of being.  What that means is our intuition is heightened, our psychic abilities are much greater than before and we now understand how energy {which is what we are} works and how consciously we get to create, manifest, tune into whatever our heart desires.

With the 11:11 portal being much greater and higher frequency that before, our angel’s guides, spirit guides and galactic family have made contact.  As we call upon our higher power, we are met with unity, guidance, freewill and manifestation of a much better, peaceful and care free world.  This is because we now have the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of how the energetic field {quantum field} works.  As we are guided, upgraded and our blue prints, paradigms and cellular memory is being transmuted as we ascend into this new way of life.  We will not return the old.  It’s a powerful and great time to be here and have the experience of high intensity, connecting with Cosmic Consciousness and keepers of light.

On 21st December 2020, 21.12.2020 there will be the final activation, a massive healing on a planetary and global level as many have dissolved the shadow and understand we are co creating a new earth, and humanity is never alone in this universe. 

Also, Uluru Australia will be doing a major activation which includes releasing and bringing to the surface a crystal grid which was placed inside by the phlaedians (galactic family) a few years ago.

1Million Meditators will also be doing global meditations on the 26th, 27th and 28th December 2020 to assist and keep momentum going.  Our new world is here and we will not return to the old way.!

Like me, if you have had experiences, with spirit world, galactic family or spirit guides you know that this is a call to action and there is not going back to the shadow.  Please invite all of your light and light connections on this day to create a massive planetary healing for those who still carry the shadow. 

These waves of light are like initiations of Cosmic Energies, I like to call a collective consciousness of those helping us evolve.

At this time, powerful energies or transitions of energy of light or light codes are being received on the planet in a form of light to activate the New Earth.  It comes in a series of energetic signals or waves.  If you have felt your energy being depleted or lethargy or even nausea you are experiencing this shift in consciousness so that more light can be received.

I had a client though the week who was receiving from Angels and had his first higher self-connection.  He also received an older version of me, dressed in white and guiding him to the light.  This is because I trust and have faith that what I am receiving is real and we are meant to transform from the past, into love and light.

The Sacredness of or heart is now more dominant as we understand our heart has its own intelligence, nervous system, inner guidance, wisdom and knowledge.

11:11 is not only one of my favorite numbers to see, it the Pleiadeans at work actively assisting us to activate the Angelic energies and embody them.  Our spirit/soul is divine love.  The Pleiadeans will guide us to and through the light codes into a powerful transmission of angelic frequencies of light and love.

The new way on Earth is already here, if we resist this new way, we may cause inner suffering.  Trust, have faith and allow yourself to embody these waves of energetic upgrades and receive them with grace.

The Angelic Beings… the Elohim and Seraphim… will continue to Empower transmissions of the Angelic Frequencies of Light and Color to support these Initiations and the Great Awakening process in general.  For all of us our DNA/blueprints have now being changed.  The new, more natural Earth is here for all of us to come into joy, feel happier and come together as one.  This sacredness is love for self, love for others and love for the planet.

I still remember when I learnt that I needed to make space to allow the new to come and receive it with an open heart. I share more on this in my podcasts, one on ones and meditations.

Much love and gratitude to all.

Have a wonderful journey.

Kerry xx

New Spiritual Growth

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To all you beautiful souls who are practising spiritual growth and wellbeing,

It is not easy sometimes as we step into this new way of being, but I want you to know, every 2 steps you take forward you will take one back. This is because you are not only growing on a spiritual level, you are reprogramming your mind and body to accept and believe in the new you. Yes! The new person you are becoming has more spiritual depth, more intuitive and is opening up to an even greater psychic ability that you’re never new possible. I tell all my clients to “keep going” you are the Master and step into your power. We were not taught this as children, we were not taught to use our intuition or psychic abilities, although we were born with them heightened. We were taught the opposite, to listen to what the mind says (unconscious and subconscious programming) that does not serve us or our wellbeing. Our true being is to be-in the moment. When I first learn this, it took me a little time to figure out how to maintain on a level where I was in control and not my mind and body. To be truthful, it hasn’t been easy, navigating the spiritual sense of self. It can be frustrating, annoying and sometimes emotionally draining, to where giving up seems to be better than doing spiritual practice. Believe me, once you work out the formula you will become so excited and happy that you will not even contemplate, not doing daily spiritual practice.

I have found, when we pay attention, focus on our heart and emotions our heartbeat becomes like a vibrational amplifier. Increasing and synchronizing me, heart and brain, creating coherence, not only in the physical body, organs, but also our energetic magnetic field surrounding our body (Aura) expands, lifting us into higher consciousness and wellbeing.

Sitting just behind our breastbone sits a little gland called the “thymus gland”, which has a very close and intimate connection with the heart centre. The heart chakra and physical heart and deeply connected through energies, physical and non-physical. The thymus gland is a main organ of the immune system and is a vital role in promoting the T Cell which system defends the body against bacteria and viruses. The thymus gland shrinks with long term stress and negativity, which means the auric field of energy around our body shrinks. Our hearts have a mind-brain of their own with over 40K sensory neurites, the same as the brain. Our hearts also have their own nervous system that functions independently for the brain. It’s called the intrinsic cardiac nervous system. The heartbeats to the rhythm of love. Love is a higher vibrational word, feeling and sensation that creates a healthier, happier way of being.

As I mentioned, it takes practice, understanding and knowledge to understand that we are connected to something so powerful, our hearts, that when we learn how to navigate, tune in and use daily spiritual practice we can become so powerful to create an abundant life, giving us everything we need and want.

I have found, spending just 5 to 10 minutes daily works much better than trying to find 30 minutes to 1 hour. The key is to practice, practice, practice, so the life, the subconscious takes on new programming and resets the old paradigms which have been planted inside our minds and we believe this to be true.

As my spiritual practise increases and the insight comes through, I will keep sharing with you all. I believe if I can create a better world for others than my world will also become better because we are all connected. My new podcasts, sacred heart meditations and newsletters are for you to formulate spiritual self-practice. Be kind to yourself every step of the way and know that your heart is your connection to your inner spirit, soul and quantum field of energy, also known as the universe, god, supreme, life force all of which mean the same thing.

Have a beautiful day and please reach out to me if I can be of service.

Much love and gratitude.

Kerry xx